
I offer transformative workshops aimed at supporting parents in their journey to create harmonious family dynamics and nurture positive parent-child relationships. These workshops provide a nurturing space where you can gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and a deeper understanding of effective parenting techniques.

Through our sessions, you’ll explore essential tools such as effective communication, setting boundaries, fostering empathy, and promoting healthy self-esteem. Join me in these empowering workshops and discover how to create a loving, supportive environment where your children can thrive.

My E-Courses

Unlock the power of harmonious family dynamics with Jailan’s transformative E-Courses.

From Tantrum to Tranquility

The Siblings without Rivalry workshop is a six-week program designed to assist parents in addressing and resolving conflicts among their children. It aims to foster positive relationships and reduce friction between siblings, ultimately creating a more harmonious and peaceful family dynamic.

Throughout the workshop, participants will delve into various topics and engage in practical exercises to develop specific skills. One crucial area of focus is helping siblings deal with their feelings about each other. The workshop explores the negative impact of ignoring or denying hostile emotions between siblings. It provides parents with four effective methods to help children express their negative feelings towards each other without causing harm or escalating conflicts.

5 Parenting Tools To Make Daily Life Easier

Are you tired of constantly nagging and arguing with your child every day? Do you long for more cooperation in daily tasks? Are you yearning to establish a stronger connection and build a positive relationship with your child? Look no further! Our comprehensive parenting course offers five essential tools that can make your daily life as a parent much easier. By implementing these tools, you can create a more harmonious and cooperative environment at home. Say goodbye to constant conflicts and hello to a happier, more connected relationship with your child.

Imagine a world where daily tasks with your child happen smoothly and with ease. No more power struggles, no more nagging—just cooperation and efficiency. Our parenting course is designed to make this dream a reality. By equipping you with five essential tools, we empower you to tackle daily challenges with confidence and foster a deeper connection with your child. Say goodbye to the constant frustration and hello to a more harmonious and fulfilling parenting experience. Enroll in our course today and embark on a journey towards a happier, more cooperative family dynamic.

What to do When Siblings Fight

The Siblings without Rivalry workshop is a six-week program designed to assist parents in addressing and resolving conflicts among their children. It aims to foster positive relationships and reduce friction between siblings, ultimately creating a more harmonious and peaceful family dynamic.

Throughout the workshop, participants will delve into various topics and engage in practical exercises to develop specific skills. One crucial area of focus is helping siblings deal with their feelings about each other. The workshop explores the negative impact of ignoring or denying hostile emotions between siblings. It provides parents with four effective methods to help children express their negative feelings towards each other without causing harm or escalating conflicts.

٥ أدوات تربوية هتسهل حياتك اليوم

هل أنت متعب من النصح المستمر والجدال مع طفلك كل يوم؟ هل تتوق إلى المزيد من التعاون في المهام اليومية؟ هل تشتاق إلى تأسيس اتصال أقوى وبناء علاقة إيجابية مع طفلك؟ لا داعي للبحث بعيدًا! يقدم لكم دورتنا الشاملة في التربية الأسرية خمسة أدوات أساسية يمكن أن تجعل حياتك اليومية كأب أو أم أسهل بكثير. من خلال تنفيذ هذه الأدوات ، يمكنك خلق بيئة أكثر انسجامًا وتعاونًا في المنزل. قل وداعًا للصراعات المستمرة واهلاً بعلاقة أكثر سعادة وتواصلًا مع طفلك.

تخيل عالمًا حيث تحدث المهام اليومية مع طفلك بسلاسة وسهولة. لا مزيد من صراعات السلطة ، لا مزيد من النصح – فقط التعاون والكفاءة. تم تصميم دورتنا في التربية الأسرية لجعل هذا الحلم حقيقة. من خلال تزويدك بخمسة أدوات أساسية ، نمنحك القدرة على التغلب على التحديات اليومية بثقة وتعزيز اتصال أعمق مع طفلك. قل وداعًا للإحباط المستمر واهلاً بتجربة أكثر انسجامًا واكتمالًا في التربية. انضم إلى دورتنا اليوم وانطلق في رحلة نحو ديناميكية عائلية أكثر سعادة وتعاونًا.


Kind Words of Praise

Curious about what it would be like working with me? Check out these reviews from clients who have worked with me in the past.